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Galaxy by FutureThemes

A beautiful, modern theme perfect for landing pages, company sites, blogs and portfolios!



Created by
Jacob Jenkins

Galaxy is a modern and exciting theme for your business, blog, landing page. Explore the main features:

  • AstroJS: An amazing, modern framework for building cutting-edge websites and experiences!
  • Tailwind CSS: Works with TailwindCSS out-of-the-box so you can spend less time wrestling with CSS!
  • Markdown/MDX Support: Galaxy uses .mdx files for all it's content. Meaning you can get started asap!
  • Extensive Configuration options: Customise all your navigation, your logos, your page descriptions and even the default star speed - right from your astro.config.mjs!
  • SEO Support: Built-in SEO support for every page of your site using Astro-SEO.
  • Get started for free: All FutureThemes themes have a generous free-tier for personal or hobby sites that is free to use forever!

This is a boilerplate for the Galaxy Theme by FutureThemes using AstroJS.

It contains a minimal setup for you to get started creating your own perfect site!

It comes with Tailwind and Galaxy pre-installed and configured.